Electronic Court Book – Pipen

Paper-free trial solution
etrial pipen
pipen for etrial

Forest Friendly Trials

Traditional paper based trials often involve thousands of documents comprising tens of thousands of sheets of paper. 


A hard copy court book can be time consuming to make, difficult to navigate and significantly slows down proceedings.  When any changes are required to a hard copy bundle, it is labour intensive, unwieldly and resource intensive task prone to error and inefficienciesThe vast quantities of paper also dramatically increase the carbon footprint of the judicial system. 


icourts offers a paper free technical fix in the form of its etrial presentation tool, Pipen. 


Pipen is a secure document storage and review tool specifically designed for use during court hearings to view documents being shown to the witness; often referred to as an etrial or an ecourt. 

Private and Secure

Each party has access to the agreed court book through a simple to navigate secure web portal. Users can access the court book anywhere using their own devices. 


Document permissions are strictly controlled to ensure that sensitive documents are only available to those who should have access to them, if this is a requirement. 


All parties in the courtroom including legal teams, the Judge and Associate, can annotate and highlight the documents on an iPad using the Apple pen. 


Documents can be categorised and organised as appropriate to support unique trial management requirements, including meeting the numbering and referencing needs of the Judge in the matter. Typical categories used include: 





Witness statements & the documents referenced therein 

Voir dire exhibits, 


Pipen simplifies the preparation process for the legal teams through secure import/export facility from leading eDiscovery platforms, RelativityOne, Relativity and Ringtail/Nuix Discover. 


This cloud-based version of Pipen also provides legal teams with the flexibility to annotate and prepare documents remotely and well in advance of the trial commencing. 


Don’t conduct trials using reams and reams of paper.  Choose the forest friendly option – Pipen.  


To find out more contact us today.

pipen for etrial
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ISO 9001 ISO 9001
Nuix Discover Nuix Discover
ISO 27001 ISO 27001
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